I'm super late with this post but better late than never! Right, Johnny Hume? ;)
I had one of the greatest nights in years last weekend. I swear, sometimes I get so overwhelmed in the best of ways when I think of what awesome people I know and have in my life. For the times when I'm down or I'm having a hard time keeping proper perspective, I think of certain people and I smile. Immediately I'll feel better and I'm just really lucky to know people that have the ability to help me do that.
Johnny Hume, or Jonathan as he demands to be called now (which I will never ever do), is a dear friend of mine from high school and one of those people that makes me smile. He and I have kept in touch over the years but very closely over this past year particularly. A few months ago, we got a date on the calendar for him to come visit and I was looking so forward to it! We'd joked so many times, as I do with my other close friends, about how he just needs to move to New York and be done with it. Well, guess what? He decided to say screw it and see what interviews he could set up here just for the hell of it. I kid you not that, in a time frame from early December to mid-January, the guy got an awesome job, found an apartment, is dating a lovely gem of a lady, and has officially moved to the city. I'm telling you right now that I'm still in total shock and words can't even describe how happy I am that he's here! The funniest part of this is that the dinner reservations we'd booked forever ago for last Saturday turned into a "welcome to the Big Apple" dinner instead of just him visiting! How freaking awesome is that. Johnny decided to reach out to Nat, another mutual friend of ours from high school that lives in DC, to see if he could join us and he totally came in town for our little reunion.
We all decided to meet for wine before dinner at a great new spot on Bleecker called Bar'rique. They'd just opened two weeks prior and what a fantastic little place it is! It was just so awesome to see Nat and to finally meet Johnny's lady, Cameron. She and I dove right into terrific conversation and I honestly felt like we'd been friends for years. That's always a wonderful sign when you meet someone new. :) She is a tremendous lady and there's an automatic kinship there simply due to how in love we are with food, ha! (Check out her and her sister's food blog here if you get a chance!) We drank delicious wine at Bar'rique for a bit and finally ventured over to Po which we all know I'm obsessed with.
Everything about our evening was amazing. The conversation, the wine, the food (of course), the genuine, true laughter and stories we shared; it was just terrific. It's so fantastic to bring my past and present together in such a meaningful way and to look ahead at all the fun yet to be had with Johnny officially in the Big Apple. Welcome "home", my friend:
Kimchi Soup
13 hours ago