Twelve hours from now, my alarm will be going off and I'll be doing my morning race routine of drinking coffee, forcing down a bagel and peanut butter (fun when you're not remotely hungry), and getting some extra water in. Only this time, my routine is for the Brooklyn half marathon, hooray!
I'm so excited that the day is finally here. I'm ready to get out there and see how I do, hopefully beating my St. Louis half marathon time! I've worked very hard and I'm so proud of myself. I've taken it easy all week as well and gotten some good sleep so I feel excited more than nervous which is awesome. If I'm honest, I really just can't wait for the wings and beer after that will be consumed with much less guilt than on any other day. :P
The course goes around Prospect Park in Brooklyn twice to reach 7 miles and then we run on to Coney Island with the last mile being on the boardwalk. Several friends of mine are running also and we're all meeting up to relax a bit on Coney Island before heading back into the city for the real celebration. If all goes well, I'll be finished by 9:00am which is damn early so I'm not sure beers are in order just yet. Or, are they?
All I know is god has blessed me with some strong training runs and the ability to go the distance. I feel really lucky to have excelled so much with my running over the past year and I look forward to kicking this race's butt. Wish me luck!
Kimchi Soup
4 days ago
1 comment:
Good Luck Val! You make me feel lazy. :)
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