I'm very excited to say that I FINALLY attended my first NY Cycle Club meeting last week. They hold them monthly and the past two dates I've been unavailable when they've been scheduled. I've really been anxious to check them out and see what the community is like. Those things can sometimes be a little unnerving because you kind of resort back to being in high school with the whole is anyone going to like me? mentality. I couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised when I walked in. My friend came with me though so I had someone to talk to in case the people were awful, hehe.
We were greeted by two completely warm women who made us feel so welcome! A gal who had walked in behind me overheard me saying I was new and so on and it was her first meeting, as well! It's fun because they hold their meetings in a little Irish pub so we all got a beer and sat down together to chat. She was SO sweet and really down to earth. I got so excited talking to her about cycling and hearing about what her goals are, etc. It seems like she's after the same kind of stuff I am in terms of being on the bike and that really made me happy! We met a bunch of other club members and stayed for the guest speaker who was an orthopedist. It was really cool to hear him touch on subjects like over-training and ways to keep your joints healthy, etc.
Overall, the club seems like something I'd absolutely love and I can't wait to go out on my first ride with them. I wish my schedule allowed for more flexibility since they do neat rides during the week day but I'll just have to settle for heading out on the first Saturday morning I'm able. All I know is I'm totally excited and hope I'll get to meet even more great people!
Kimchi Soup
12 hours ago